Wednesday, May 14, 2008

No Love for Swedish

I am absolutely wiped out today. I have been so tired for no apparent reason for three days. I think I need to go on vacation...again...haha. I wish that I could say that yesterday's Swedish presentation went well. I worked really hard on it and felt pretty proud of myself. However, my teacher felt otherwise. She was so picky on the comments after every person's presentation, ex. "You pronounced 'x' war like 'y' in the second minute of your presentation." Wow, pardon me for not having Swedish as a first language. Today, we had to take an essay exam and then endure a few hours of class. Then, we received the presentation grades. Let's put it this way: I am pretty sure it is one of the lowest grades I have received ever. Right down there with the test on the human skeleton in fourth grade that I failed on purpose. Granted, it does not count for a massive percentage of my grade, but I felt that it was quite unfair. Everyone was graded really harshly, which should make me feel better, but it does not. I guess that it is just one more reason why I cannot wait to go back to CC!

Many of the people that I am currently forced to cohabitate with really make me question the future of the human race. I mean, honestly, I am one of the younger people living here - technically, I should be one of the less mature people...right? Apparently not. However, I am still immature enough to be passive aggressive and offer a list of tips for these individuals on my blog:
  1. Dirty dishes left outside of your room will not be removed and cleaned. It does not matter how long you leave them there. Dishes left in the kitchen will not be cleaned by others. Yes, it is earth shattering, but do your own dishes!
  2. If you break glass, you must clean it up. Broken glass is dangerous and it poses a risk for other people who may happen to use common areas, such as the kitchen.
  3. Trash should be relocated from the kitchen, hallway, etc. and taken to the dumpster outside. It may come as a surprise, but we actually live in Sweden, not Italy. Trash does not relocate itself, though it may seem that way, judging from the excessive amount of trash outside.
  4. Food should not be left on the floor, counters, table, or anywhere besides a cupboard or refrigerator. Does it come as a surprise to you that there are insects migrating in droves? Do you wonder why your living environment often smells similar to a dumpster? This tip is your solution.
  5. I will refrain from giving dietary advice. However, if you choose to cook with grease, take appropriate precautions and clean up after yourself afterwards. Besides clogging your arteries, grease also clogs sinks. It also makes counter tops and stove tops disgusting.
  6. Clean up after yourself in the bathroom. I will not go into details, in order to keep this 'clean' (pun completely intended). Also, mirrors are designed to be reflective. If a mirror is covered in spit and toothpaste, it no longer serves this purpose.
  7. Stealing food is wrong. People do not appreciate it.
  8. If you are going to have a party, please party elsewhere. Being loud, obnoxious, and intoxicated does not foster healthy neighbor relations. If you choose to forgo this advice, please refrain from singing drinking high pitched voices...and screeching.
I could list more, but I probably sound like a full-blown pessimist, which is not actually the case. But sometimes, it would be nice to be able to prepare a meal or walk outside my room without the risk of contracting a disease.

Tomorrow I am going to go and find some lilacs!

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