What else has been going on? I spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in Wayne, PA for a Sodexo Wellness Council Meeting. It was basically a strategy session (aka top secret) for the company, surrounding the idea of wellness: nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being. It was incredily interesting, and a great opportunity to meet people from other sectors of the company. It was nice to take a field trip, but I have so much to catch up on. I need to have all of my projects completed by next week - stressful, yet exciting. I am really happy with the way that most are turning out, and I hope that I will be able to get as much done as possible tomorrow and next week. I cannot believe that it is almost time to go back to Colorado!
Last Friday I toured both the Capitol and the Kennedy Center. I also went to the Lion King with Tony and his parents at the Kennedy Center - AMAZING!
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