Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ice photos, etc

Well, I have pretty much been terrible about updating this blog. My apologies to the very few people who read it! I have been spending a LOT of time outside because the weather has finally gotten much nicer. I actually got sunburned on my nose last week!

School is going well. I am entering finals phase for the first quarter, so reviewing has been taking up a lot of my time. I have the first part of my Swedish final on Tuesday and the second part on Friday. It is definitely the test I am most worried about. I think that I will be able to manage a passing grade (required for Swedish 2), but I would like to actually do well on it. I have learned so much in the past few weeks, and I am excited to start focusing more on speaking (as opposed to the basics: verb conjugation, noun forms, etc) in the next course. I have started to make flash cards and color-coded charts, which is quite enjoyable. I am also in the process of taking my Economic Geography of Europe final. It is the infamous ten-page take home final, which I have two weeks to take. I received it on Wednesday, started it about two hours ago, and am aiming to finish all of it - except for the question I need the information from next Wednesday's lecture for - by the end of the weekend. I am positive that I could have passed it without ever attending a lecture because it is one of the most basic exams I have ever seen. Interestingly enough, my International Trade exam is still two weeks away. That one is going to be interesting. Our lecturer on Wednesday taught the effects of subsidies and tariffs on trade and domestic welfare INCORRECTLY. I spent the lecture thinking how different it was from what I had learned previously, and went straight to my computer after class to verify that her graphs were incorrect. Great. At least I will be one of the few in the course with the correct information!

In random news, I am pretty much addicted to Ki Jympa. Why is it only offered twice a week? I applied for another internship position, and have been keeping up with my beloved Relay back at CC. I made some cranberry-cinnamon-oatmeal-sunflower seed cookies yesterday and idiotically baked all of them. I rarely bake all of my cookies because I would much rather eat the dough (frozen!) then the actual baked version. I guess I will have to whip up some more...haha.

I took these cool ice photos of some bushes next to Lake Vattern on Thursday. They were definitely a limited time sight...I passed by a few hours later and all of the ice had melted!

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