Sunday, February 3, 2008

Snowy Week

Another week come and gone. Classes were much better this week! I had a great lecture for my Economic Geography course on Wednesday. Our professor was a guest from Linköping University and her topic was "Energy in Europe" - always a winner in my book! It was really interesting to see the present and future status on European energy consumption levels, energy sources, etc. We did a lot of comparisons with the rest of the world, which was particularly embarrassing for me because I am the only American in the class. My only consolation was that I was one of the most knowledgeable in the class, in terms of the technologies, policies, and solutions. Lecture in that course will always be interesting because we have a different professor almost every time! International Trade was less than engaging, but what can really be expected in a lecture hall with over 100 students? I am having a really difficult time adjusting to that course and I typically spend the two hour lecture missing Colorado College. Luckily, I have already learned most of the material and the new information is really easy to understand. Swedish went very well this week! I am so happy that we are finally broken into our small groups. We are learning basic conversational phrases right now, and I am doing a lot of review on my own so that I can learn to read and write too. I am finding it easier to recognize words, predominantly out of necessity, but whatever makes me learn it is okay by me!

Path to the city

In other news, not much happened this week. It has been incredibly cold and windy, so going outside is quite challenging. We had a light snow on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday - that was really surprising. I found out this week that there is a ski area nearby, but it has not opened this year due to lack of snow. I have been getting really creative with my cooking endeavors, which is always fun. I made some hummus this week without any appliances, which I am pretty proud of. I kind of feel like a pioneer in the kitchen because we do not have a blender or any baking pans, cookie sheets, etc. Other than classes, I have spent a lot of time at the gym and working on my summer plans. Applying for internships when one is abroad can be quite challenging! I am thankful for all of my great resources back at CC and email!

PS - This is where I live...building #2, rum 14

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