Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Three Amazing Updates

Things are fabulous in Sweden! I absolutely love it here! Today I had orientation meetings from 9:00 to 4:00 pm and used my lunch break to run some errands. I have been catching up on emails and chatting with family all afternoon. It is 1:15 am here and I am up, waiting for my Relay Region D Council call at 2:00 am...got to love the eight hour time difference. Anyways, here are some exciting things from today:

1. INTERNET! The reason I am online right now, in my room, on my computer! I was finally able to get my wireless set up today, both at my house and at school. I am so happy to once again be in contact with the world. Now I will have something to do when I wake up at 2:00 am...hopefully this "sleep three hours a night" phase will pass soon though.

2. MAILING ADDRESS! I have finally obtained my mailing address, so send me a letter. All mail comes to my house and is dumped on the floor in a pile in the hall because the postman is bitter. I heard this story today and am interested in the details! Nevertheless, I will get my mail and the rest of the residents are careful about neatly piling what is not their's.

Courtney Shephard
Rum 14
Ebba Ramsays väg 80
55594 Jönköping

3. SOY MILK! Yesterday I stumbled upon an amazing grocery store on my way to school. It is the best one I have found thus far because it has not only soy milk, but soy yogurt and soy whip cream too. I am quite ecstatic about this discovery and will finally be able to make some rice pudding!

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