Saturday, December 8, 2007

Holiday Sugar Rush

This past week has gone by incredibly slowly! Block 4 is always tough because everybody is ready to go home. It was uncharacteristically warm for the majority of the week, which made matters worse - I am ready for snow. My class is going well. I am starting to like it a lot more because the discussions getting really interesting and I finally feel comfortable enough to participate. I chose a topic for my final paper: the power of ethnic lobbies to influence American foreign policy. I am really excited that I finally get to research it because it has been a topic that I have been thinking about for a long time. I am going to try really hard to not write it at the last minute - I have all of my books and other research together, I just need to read the books and start writing.

We have our last Relay For Life meeting of the semester tomorrow. Caitlin, Marina, and I are making pancakes for our committee. I am sad that it will be my last meeting for the school year! Our Ad Hoc Food Vision Committee finalized and distributed our dining survey...finally! We have already had 250 responses and the link has only been out for one day. I am excited to get the feedback. I have also been going around to different campus groups with a few of the other committee members to hold focus group discussions about dining.

Tonight we made gingerbread (well, actually graham cracker) houses! They add to our Christmas decor in the apartment, which Cayla appropriately described as, "Christmas threw up in here!"

My Eco-Friendly House: wind turbine, peace garden, solar panels on the roof, and the three colored gumdrops to the side are recycling bins
(paper, cardboard, and co-mingle)

Gumdrop Hippies in front of their house
(not pictured - candy compost pile)

Helen Keller Snowman & her minions (Three Blind Mice)